- Where do I point an employee if they have questions related to payroll or their employment?
- Please first have them read the Employee Frequently Asked Questions. If they have reviewed the FAQ list and still have questions, please then have them reach out to AUSS-C by submitting a case.
- Where can I ask a payroll question or report a payroll problem?
- AggieService – Academic Unit Shared Service Center (Link)
Use the link above to submit an “Ask a Question” or “Report a Problem” AggieService case. The case will be routed to the appropriate processor, who will be able to assist with the question or problem. Please add as many relevant details as possible (employee name, employee ID, pay period affected, description of issue, etc). - Can I contact a live person for help?
- Payroll and HR Staff Directory
Use the link above to locate the AUSS-C staff member assigned to your department. Their phone number is listed for your reference. You may also submit an AggieService case, which will be routed to the appropriate processor. - Where do I find Summer Session information?
- All Summer Session appointments are submitted through VIPER. Please see the Summer Sessions Instructors & Staff page and Learn VIPER for more information. Please DO NOT submit a case in AggieService for Summer Session appointments.
- How do I request access for an employee to have access to all of AggieService cases submitted by our department?
- An Access Request will need to be submitted. This is located on AggieService on the middle right of the grey menu bar.
- How do I fill out the Multi-Location Agreement (MLA) form?
- MLA Form (Link PDF)
AggieService (Link)
A Multi-Location Agreement (MLA) form needs to be completed when a department at UC Davis needs to make a one-time payment or to employ a current employee of another UC campus.
Please follow the instructions included in the MLA form and submit completed form to the UC Davis Central Payroll via AggieService. - What forms do I need to submit for a damage payment?
- Damage Payment Report (Link PDF)
Damage Payment Release (Link PDF)It is the Department's responsibility to complete Damage Payment forms and obtain Department and Employee signatures. Note: Witness signature is not required on Damage Release form.
Please return completed forms to your onboarding specialist by replying to their email or as a One-Time Payment case. When we receive the Damage Payment form at AUSSC, we double check the amount and then submit it to Central Payroll for processing.
Instructions for completing “Calculation of Payment and Amount” on the Damage Payment Report:
* MO Employee:
Total Hours = # of working days x 8 x FTE
Hourly rate = Monthly rate / total working hours in the month (Hourly rate will differ by month.)
* BW Employee:
Submit paper timesheet along with Damage Payment Report. If employees have any overtime, please breakdown the hours under “Explanation”
- What forms do I need for new hires?
- Forms will be provided by AUSS-C to incoming hires and rehires.
UC Path:
- How do I process a funding change?
- In UCPath, go to PeopleSoft Menu > Set up HCM > Product Related > Commitment Accounting > UC Customizations >
Funding Entry
1. Click the Add a New Value tab.
2. Click in the Department field. Enter the desired information
3. Click in the Position Number field. Enter the desired information
4. Click the Add button.
5. The Funding Entry page displays the existing funding row for the selected position. You cannot overwrite the existing funding data; you must insert a new effective dated row to enter the necessary funding update.
6. Click the Add a new row button.
7. Enter the desired information into the Funding Effective Date field. For this example, enter 08/01/2017 (If you entered an effective date that is the same as an existing row, UCPath increments the effective sequence field. In this example the effective date is new and the sequence is 0 for the first row on that date. The earnings distribution from the previous row is copied to the new effective dated data row)
8. Make all necessary updates in the Earnings Distribution section. Updates may include a simple line change, multiple line changes, the addition of distribution rows, or the deletion of existing rows.
9. Next, change the percentage on the first funding row. Click in the Pay Dist % field.
10. The e-Verify option indicates whether the employee has been e-Verified. If you enter one or more funds that require the employee to be verified, UCPath displays a warning message when you click the Save button. If necessary, use the R-019 E-Verify Audit Report to identify those employees that have funding, but have not been verified
11. If there are no errors, the system displays the Submit button. (The system automatically assigns the transaction a unique Request ID number. If necessary, you can access and submit the funding entry transaction for review and approval at a later time) - How can a former UCD employee get access to UC Path?
- Former Employee Access to UCPath and AYSO (PDF)
Please read the information & instructions listed on the PDF above. The former employee will not be able to log onto the Former Employee portal if they do not have a personal email listed within UC Path prior to their separation. If they fail to list a personal email in UC Path prior to their separation, they will need to call the UC Path Center at 855-982-7284 to add in a personal email address for them. - I have a question about an EPAR. Who can I contact?
- Please reach out to