PeopleAdmin Staff Actions

PeopleAdmin Staff Actions

HR made some changes to the position description and the information needed when requesting a reclassification/pd update, equity increase or stipend.  Below, we are providing some details on these, as well as information regarding above mid-point offers and increases for lateral moves; pay increases at the time of a contract extension; and Rehired Retirees.


  • Minimum Qualifications – limited to no more than 7
  • Preferred Qualifications – limited to no more than 4
  • No longer using Job Expectations
  • Need to provide Location (aka: Building) and cubicle (aka: Workspace)
  • Even if a position description (pd) is consider a straight replacement, we need to edit it to fit into the new PA format, including the limits to the MQs/PQs.  At some point in the future there will be pds that are truly straight replacements, needing no edits.

Equity Increase

  • Equity Reason needed – select one of the reasons below:
    • Significant additional responsibilities not resulting in reclassification
    • Less experienced new hire salary exceeds current employee
    • Difficulty retaining or recruiting staff due to specialized skills or high market demand
    • Salary compression between supervisors and their employees
    • Salary inequity between employees with comparable job responsibilities
  • Explanation or justification for request
  • Effective Date
  • Salary increase, either by percent, step or amount


  • Stipend Reason needed – select one of the reasons below:
    • Acting/Interim Appointment
    • Temporary Assignment
  • Employee Name or Position Description number where additional duties come from
  • Allocation % of time employee will perform higher level/significant additional duties
  • Description of the higher level/significant additional duties in support of the stipend
  • Rationale supporting selection of this employee for stipend
  • Explanation/justification for request
  • Begin and end date of stipend
  • Stipend amount, either by percent, step or amount
  • Provide approval of Dean or delegate (pdf of email is fine)


  • Provide justification
  • Provide anticipated increase in pay
  • Minimum Qualifications – limited to no more than 7
  • Preferred Qualifications – limited to no more than 4
  • Remove Job Expectations

Offers Above Mid-Point or for Lateral Moves

  • HRBP should work with their Compensation Analyst prior to making verbal offer for above mid-point offers.
  • HRBP should contact AUSS-C (Tiffany or Lucy) to verify the employee’s current salary grade and salary
    • If a lateral, HRBP should work with Compensation Analyst prior to making verbal offer
  • CASE Submitter should mention that approval has been obtained when asking for official offer

Pay Increase at Time of Contract Extension

  • Provide justification for increase
  • AUSS-C (Tiffany or Lucy) will contact the Compensation Manager, cc’ing the Recruiter with relevant information
    • Comp Manager will approve/deny and more onto the Recruiter; Recruiter will approve/deny and inform AUSS-C
  • If approved, AUSS-C will prepare new Contract and it will be sent to the department for signature

Rehired Retirees

  • HRBP should obtain approval prior to submitting CASE in AggieService but we realize that this is not always practical and AUSS-C will help as needed
  • Prior to Pre-select action is taken, we need to get approval from HR (Karmen Fittes, via Mark Chatman).  The following documents are needed:
  • Retiree will need to “apply” for the job in TAM
  • Retiree will need to complete the new hire process, including the completion of the I9 and Oath prior to or on the start date

